The V International Psychological Forum "Child in a Digital World" is dedicated to the issues of sustainable development of children and adolescents in the context of the digitalization of modern society.
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On November 27, 2024, the 'BRICS Cooperation in Psychology: Contributing to Society's Well-Being' panel was held as part of the Young Scientists Congress (Sirius, Russian Federation).
Dear colleagues!
We are pleased to announce the release of the fourth issue of “Lomonosov Psychology Journal”. The issue is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the death of the greatest psychologist of the 20th century, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934).
26 November 2024 Buxin Han, Professor of the Institute of Psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, President of the Asian Psychological Association, member of the Chinese Psychological Association, gave a lecture at the Department of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
We are pleased to announce that the National Psychological Journal has been included in the world's largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature Scopus.
This issue is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the passing of the greatest psychologist of the 20th century, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934).
Elsevier has completed the calculation of 2023 citation metrics for scientific periodicals.
According to the rating results, the journal Psychology in Russia: State of the Art entered the second quartile in “Psychology” category and became the only Russian psychological journal that was awarded such a high evaluation.
The Sixth International Scientific Conference "Exercise and Quality of Life 2024: Global Impact of Sport Science" devoted to the50th anniversary of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Novi Sad. Experts from more than 40 countries, including representatives of Lomonosov Moscow University, the Federal Scientific Center for Psychological and Interdisciplinary Research, and the Russian Psychological Society have participated in it.
The Sixth International Scientific Conference "Exercise and Quality of Life 2024: Global Impact of Sport Science", organized by the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, was held on 11-13 April 2024.
In his address, Deputy Director-General for External Relations Anthony Ohemeng-Boamah emphasized that exploring the impact of digital technologies on child development is linked to UNESCO's commitment to promote accessibility to digital education, which brings both challenges and opportunities.
In 2024 we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Cultural-Historical Psychology, the key principles of which were developed by L.S. Vygotsky and implemented in the research of his scientific school, which has gained not only international recognition, but also a sphere of dissemination.
This special issue, "Sport Psychology" delves into the depths of the human mind in sports and exercise, revealing how mental strength can be crucial for achieving top-notch athletic results. This call extends beyond works exploring the psychological aspects of successful athlete performances to those emphasizing the role of sports psychologists in shaping and optimizing athletes' mental framework.
A special issue of the journal Frontiers in Psychology “Education and Development in Early Years From Cultural-Historical Theory” has been published.
On October 13-15, 2023, the International Psychological Symposium was held at Sichuan Normal University (Chengdu, China) as part of the Congress of the Chinese Psychological Society.
The Russian Psychological Society reports approval of a professional holiday - the Psychologist’s Day, which will be celebrated on November 22.
The delegation of the Russian Psychological Society attended the opening of the Intercontinental Congress of Psychologists HOMINIS 2023 in Havana 24-28 April.
In his official letter, Alexander Alimov emphasized the importance of the topics of the Forum in the light of the recommendations of the declaration of the recently held World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education in Tashkent: adaptation of preschool education to modern digital technologies, pedagogical innovations in the use of ICT, digital risks for the psychological development of the child and others.
You can read about the topics of the forum at
The journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" has been working for five years to enter the prestigious international scientific database PubMed Central.
This is the first psychological journal in Russia, which was accepted into the PMC, where at the moment only a few of the Russian scientific peer-reviewed journals are represented.
Link source:
On November 24, 2022, an interdisciplinary seminar on education, governance and the environment was held by the Fafe Institute of Higher Education (Portugal) and the Federal University of Catalão (Brasil). The seminar was organized by the UNESCO Chair in Education, Youth and Society.
On September 28, 2022, the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU) hosted the opening of the VII Congress of the Russian Psychological Society (RPS) and the All-Russian Psychological Forum, which were attended by over a thousand specialists from 70 regions of the Russian Federation. The official opening ceremony was held in the Assembly Hall of UrFU.
A special issue of the International Journal of Early Years Education dedicated to the memory of prominent child psychologists Elena Kravtsova and Elena Smirnova has been published. This issue considers modern approaches to the problem of play in the context of a cultural-historical theory.
Co-editors of the issue are professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, leading researcher of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Nikolay Veraksa and Professor of the Free University Amsterdam Bert van Oers.
The issue can be found here:
The Springer has published the book Piaget and Vygotsky in the 21st century: Discourse in early childhood education, edited by Professor of the University of Gothenburg Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson and Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, leading researcher at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Nikolay Veraksa.
We are happy to announce that the International Psychological Forum Child in a Digital World will be held online on 1-2 June 2022!
Participation is free of charge. All the sessions will be simultaneously translated into Russian, English and Spanish, and the presentations can be delivered in any of these three languages. All the presenters and attendees are required to register at before April 1 2022.
On September 30, 2021, an international round table "Gerontology: a social perspective on aging and longevity" was held, organized by the Specialized University of America UDELAS in Panama.
On September 9, 2021, a meeting was held on problems of cyberpsychology and virtual reality. The event was organized by the Specialized University of America UDELAS in Panama, the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as the Russian Psychological Society and the Panamanian Association of Psychologists.
The event was opened by Francisco Javier Cedeño, Director of Strategic Communications at UDELAS, and Ricardo González Escartín, Dean of the Faculty of Social Education and Human Development at UDELAS.
On June 22, 2021, a meeting was held on problems of the psychology of modern childhood in the framework of cultural-historical psychology. The event was organized by the Specialized University of America UDELAS in Panama, the Agrarian University of Havana "Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez" in Cuba, the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as the Russian Psychological Society and the Panamanian Association of Psychologists.
24 hours of the Forum sessions in three languages were devoted to the issues of sustainable development of children and adolescents in the context of the transformation of childhood against the background of digitalization of modern society.
More than 12 thousand specialists from 90 countries united online at the Forum.
Theme: Forum "Child in the Digital World"
The special Issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" — "Developmental Research and Practice in Cultural-Historical Psychology": deadline is extended!
We are glad to announce that the manuscript submission deadline for the special issue “Developmental Research and Practice in Cultural-Historical Psychology" is extended until July, 1!
You can submit your manuscripts here
We are pleased to announce that the International Psychological Forum "Child in a Digital World" will feature over 300 speakers and over 10,000 attendees from 63 countries!
By popular demand, registration as a participant has been extended until May 15. We remind you that only registered participants will receive certificates of participation in the Forum. Participation is free. Register by 15 May on
On April 7, 2021, the first meeting of the seminar on cultural-historical psychology was held. The organizers are the Specialized University of America UDELAS in Panama, the National Pedagogical University of Francisco Morazán in Honduras, the National Distance University in Costa Rica, the Agrarian University of Havana in Cuba, the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as the Russian Psychological Society and the Panamanian Association of Psychologists.
Link source:
Theme: International Conference
This special issue will be devoted to the topic of developmental research and its practical applications from the perspective of Cultural-Historical psychology.
The main aim of the issue is to show the wide range of phenomena related to psychological development, including experimental procedures in the field of psychological development, methods for assessment of development, descriptions of original methods of work with children in different conditions of life and cultural contexts. The special issue invites articles that advance knowledge and experience gathered via psychological research with groups and/or individual cases. Submitted articles might contribute to a variety of aspects of psychological development, such as development of personality, role of guiding activity, social situation of development and so forth. Theoretical and methodological aspects of Cultural-Historical psychology are also in focus of the issue. Novel experiences related to the process of psychological development in changing life conditions including the situation of pandemic COVID-2019 are also welcomed. All works should be related to the theoretical positions and concepts of Cultural-Historical psychology.
Guest co-editors: Yulia Solovieva (Mexico), Athanasios Koutsoklenis (Greece)
Deadline for submission is June 1st, 2021
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
We invite you to attend the International Psychological Forum “Child in a Digital World” which will be held online on 1-2 June 2021.
The Forum is initiated by the Psychology Institute of Russian Academy of Education together with the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Russian Psychological Society and is supported by European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations. Participation in the forum is free of charge.
All sessions will be simultaneously translated into Russian, English and Spanish, and presentations can be made in any of these three languages.
All presenters and participants must register by April 1, 2021:
Link source:
We are glad to announce that the manuscript submission deadline for the special issue "Subjective well-being: predictors and consequences" is extended until February, 7!
You can submit your manuscripts here
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Venue: 22/48, Stepan Razin Str., Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University, Kaluga, Russia. The Conference is to be held in an on-line format.
Ways of participating in the Conference:
- Delivering a plenary report on one of the conference research areas (15 minutes).
- Making a speech at a panel discussion (5-7 minutes).
The working languages are Russian and English. The registration is free by any link:
The conference participant needs to include the name of his/her report/speech and abstracts (up to 300 words) in the registration form.
Deadline: December 5 (plenary reports) and December 10 (panel discussion).
Theme: International Conference
The article presents research results dedicated to accurate topics related to policies and guiding principles clinical neuropsychology education and competency development, gathered during the last five years by the SC from experts in this area representing 30 countries.
One of the co-authors and active contributors to the SC work is Natalia Varako – the Russian Psychological Society member, Senior Researcher at the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
During 16-17 September 2020 scientists from different countries participated in international online-conference “Role of Psychology in fighting COVID-19 pandemic: International perspective”. Experts presented results of their research on psychological influence of self-isolation, experience in psychological assistance and assessment in order to better cope with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and deliver evidence-based service in relation to that.
Theme: COVID-2019
Date: October 31, 2020 at 13:00 (Nur-Sultan time)
Format: Online conference on Zoom (Conference ID: 729 4094 9342 access Code: 123456)
Paper submission is accepted until October 15, 2020 by e-mail .
Conference Registration fee, including publication - 3000 tenge (6 EUR). All que stions about payment, please contact with Toksanbayeva Nazgul Bahytovna by cell-phone: +7 775 217 35 44.
16 -17 September 2020, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University is organizing an online-conference where experts from European, Asian, North and South American, African psychological associations will be discussing psychological point of view on COVID-19 pandemic and psychological contribution to cope with it. The conference is supported by International Union of Psychological Sciences (IUPsyS) and European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA).
Guest co-editors: Magdalena Żemojtel-Piotrowska (Poland), Sofya Nartova-Bochaver (Russia)
This special issue will be devoted to the topic of subjective well-being.
The main aim of the issue is to show the wide range of phenomena related to subjective well-being, including its predictors, descriptors, and consequences in various life situations and cross-cultural context.
The special issue invites articles that advance knowledge and experience about the different aspects of subjective well-being – features and circumstances contributing to it as well as those that decrease and damage it. Research on familiar phenomena of positive psychology, like personal authenticity, in various fields of psychology, is also planned to be presented. Papers on diagnostics of subjective well-being, interventions, cases, experimental and empiric studies as well as methodological and analytic articles, presenting different approaches to understanding subjective well-being and positive functioning are welcomed.
Deadline for submission is February 1st, 2021
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 13(4), 2020 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Guest Editor: Buxin Han (China), is professor of psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPCAS), Beijing, China.
This special issue will be devoted to psychological aspects of the challenging COVID-19 pandemic in international context.
The main aim of the issue is to show the wide range of psychological challenges which have appeared in the life of people in many countries and answers to the challenges from psychological science.
The forthcoming Special Issue will cover topics that advance knowledge and experience about the COVID-19-situation in psychological practice, education and research. Empirical research, as well as scholarly reviews, methodological and analytic articles, presenting new research approaches are invited. Cross-cultural studies are particularly welcomed.Deadline for submission is July 13st, 2020
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 13(1), 2020 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
We are glad to announce that 3 articles from the new issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art", 12(4), 2019 were released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Theme: Psychology in Russia, Online First
EFPA: “Psychological care and knowledge can save lives”.
#World MentalHealthDay
The World Health Organi zation (WHO) chose s uicide as the theme for the World Mental Health Day 2019.
This choice reflects the importance of suicide and the need to intervene preemptively. Suicide kills close to 800 000 people every year which is more than 2 000 per day. However, these large numbers of deaths by suicide are not inevitable. Suicide varies significantly across country, and period, ranging from less than 5 to more than 15 suicides per 100 000. This variation suggests that there are several psychological and social in terventions that can be implemented.
Link source:
Theme: World Mental Health Day
We are honoured to share the news and are delighted to congratulate our colleagues from Saint-Petersburg State University as they have won the right to host the 20th European Conference on Developmental Psychology which will be held in 2021! The Сonference is a biennale conducted under the European Association for Developmental Psychology auspices. Russia will be organising the Conference for the first time.
At the EFPA General Assembly meeting in Moscow on July 7 2019, the delegates elected a new president for EFPA: Christoph Steinebach from Federation of Swiss Psychologists and Federation of German psychologists’ associations. He is the successor of Telmo Mourinho Baptista who served 4 years as President of EFPA.
New EC members are Secretary General Ole Tunold (Norway), Treasurer Nicola Gale (UK), Koen Lowet (Belgium). Russian Psychological Spciety is especially honored that for the first time in history its’ representative became an EC member: Anna Leybina (Russia), PhD, scientific officer at Lomonosov Moscow State University, member of Russian NAC, and the Chair of ECP 2019 Executive Committee also has been elected by the General Assembly to contribute to EFPA EC.
On June 30 ECP Summer School "Research in Human Development" was opened. Participants from Russia, Spain, Germany, Sweden, USA, Brazil, Peru, Turkey, China, Belgium, India, Colombia and Kyrgyzstan took part in the school.
Link source:
Theme: ECP 2019
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to inform you that the special issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - "Personality Psychology from a contemporary perspective" 12(2), 2019 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
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Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
We are glad to announce that 3 articles from the new issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art", 12(2), 2019 were released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
On May 31, 2019, Professor Ilkiz Altinoglu Dikmeer, Vice-President of the Turkish Psychological Association visited the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. During the meeting with the President of the Russian Psychological Society, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology MSU, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Yuri Zinchenko, the possibilities of joint research and bilateral conferences were discussed.
In light of similar objectives to benefit society in general and psychological profession the Turkish Psychological Association and the Russian Psychological Society signed Memorandum of Understanding on the 12 April 2019 in Ankara (Turkey). The sides agreed on key areas for collaboration and the first step to productive partnership in psychological science and practice will be made during the 16th European Congress of Psychology, which will be held 2-5 July 2019 in Moscow (Russia).
This special issue will be devoted to the topic of professional ethics in psychology. The main aim of the issue is to show the wide range of ethical issues and challenges which appear in the work of professional psychologists from different countries. The special issue invites articles that advance knowledge and experience about the application of basic ethical principles in psychological practice, education and research. Ethical problems, practical cases, as well as scholarly reviews, methodological and analytic articles, presenting different approaches in ethical regulations and dealing with ethical dilemma, data from research on ethical issues in different areas of psychology will be included. The issue will be prepared with the support of Board of Ethics of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA).
Guest co-editors:
Henk Geertsema (The Netherlands)
Dr. Alla Shaboltas (Russia)
Dr. Vita Postuvan (Slovenia)
Deadline for submission is November 15st, 2019
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to introduce you a short interview of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" with Dr. Prof. Francisco Pons (University of Oslo, Norway). Professor Pons studies emotional development from the Cross-cultural perspective. In the interview he discusses a position of psychology in our globalised world, speaks about close connection between helping people and understanding them, objective research and applied psychological science. He also gives recommendations on how to become a productive psychologist and benefit society.
Link source:
Guest Editor: Dr. Christopher Arnold (UK)
Christopher Arnold, PhD, is an experienced editor of both books and a periodical. He is currently an Editor of the BPS/DECP’s periodical DEBATE. He also published many articles and books in the area of educational psychology.
Guest Editor: Dr. Elinor Schad (Sweden)
Elinor Schad, PhD and specialist in Educational Psychology, is a Senior Lecturer in the department of Psychology, Lund University. She is an author and editor of a popular course book in educational psychology. Dr. Schad also currently serves as the 2nd vice President of the Swedish Psychological Association.
Deadline for submission is August 1st, 2019
Instructions for Authors:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 11(4), 2018 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Due to numerous requests the abstract submission deadline has been postponed to 15 December 2018.
To register and upload your abstracts you should create your personal account here:
You may also download registration and abstract submission guidelines here:
We will be glad to see you in Moscow!
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to introduce you an interview of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" with Dr. Prof. Elly Singer from University of Amsterdam (Netherlands). Professor Singer studies early childhood education from multiple perspectives. In this interview she is talking about important role of play and playfulness in children's everyday life. Professor Singer describes the main paths of child play research in Netherlands and pays special attention to Vygotsky's ideas about early childhood.
President of the Russian Psychological Society, President of the Russian Academy of Education, Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University prof. Yuri Zinchenko and president of the Cyprus Psychological Association, member of the Executive Committee of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations Eleni Karayianni set a perspective of future collaborations in different directions: cooperative research projects and educational programs.
Dear colleagues!
We are happy to announce the agreement signed between the Russian Psychological Society and MDPI on publication of the XVI European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019) proceedings. The congress will take place 2-5 July 2019 in Moscow, Russia, and ECP 2019 participants will be able to submit short articles related to presented researches, reviews and case studies to Behavioral Sciences (the journal is indexed by Web of Science).
Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Psychological Society presented a booth, dedicated to the European Congress of Psychology ECP-2019. The Congress will take place in Moscow, on July 2-5 2019. All visitors of the exhibition could see new design of the journal Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, published by the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Psychological Society. More than 500 specialists from 32 countries were guests of the booth.
Theme: II Congress on Mental Health
Dear colleagues!
We are glad to introduce you a short interviewof the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" with the most famous psychologist from Africa – Dr. Saths Cooper. Saths Cooper is the president of the Pan-African Psychology Union (PAPU). He has played leadership roles in various community, cultural, educational, political, professional, scientific, student, worker and youth entities in South Africa and abroad. In this interview he is talking about the mission of psychology in the modern world, about most promising areas of psychology, state of psychology research and practice in Africa and also about advances of cultural-historical theory nowadays.
Link source:
Theme: Dr. Saths Cooper
Guest editor: Yulia Kovas
Manuscript submissions deadline extended until September, 15!
Please, submit your manuscripts here
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Guest editor: Aldert Vrij — is a Professor of Applied Social Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Portsmouth in Portsmouth, England.
The special issue of Journal will be devoted to the problems of personality psychology – theoretical bases and approaches to the description and research of personality in the modern reality and its challenges. The journal invites articles on major and innovative issues of psychology of personality. Scholarly reviews, methodological, analytic articles, as well as empirical research presenting new research approaches and data from the studies of personality problems, will be included.
Deadline for submission is November 1st, 2018
Instructions for Authors:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
IUPsyS Assembly 2018 was held on 30 June 2018 as a part of the International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP2018) held in Montreal, Canada. 90 representatives from different countries attended the Assembly. Besides usual reports on IUPsyS activities related to psychology promotions on various levels including UN and WHO, the issue of psychologist’ consolidated efforts were discussed, and considered professionals in science and practice around the World. Five working groups were formed trying to address this issue from various angles. The results of this exercise will be transformed into action plan to be implemented by IUPsyS within the next two years. In particular, Russian Psychological Society received invitation from recently established Asia Pacific Psychology Alliance to become an affiliated member.
International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP2018), which was held in Montreal, Canada on 25-30 June 2018, welcomed psychologists from many countries. More than 4000 people attended the Congress. An idea to unite BRICS countries’ psychologists was developed at the beginning of the Congress. Representatives from the five countries organized a meeting to discuss effective collaboration among respective psychological societies.
Guest Editor: Csaba Pleh
Csaba Pleh is Distingusihed Visiting Professor at the Department of Cognitive Science , Central European University, Budapest. He is a Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea. He was the Editor in Chief of Hungarian Review of Psychology (1997-2015) and the President of the Hungarian Philosophical Association (1998-2001). He has been a fellow to Collegium Budapest, the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, and Collegium de Lyon. In 1991-1992 and in 2004-2005, he was the György Ránki Hungarian Chair at Indiana University. His long-term research interests include history of cognitive science, psycholinguistics, the relationship between language and cognition, and linguistic developmental disorders.
Co-Editor: Boris B. Velichkovsky
Boris B. Velichkovsky is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. He graduated from Berlin Free University (1998) with Master Degree in Linguistics, Psychology, and Computer Science. At focus of his research interests are experimental studies of language, working memory, cognitive control, and bilingualism.
Deadline for submission is October 1st, 2018
Instructions for Authors:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
International Congress of Applied Psychology (ICAP2018) was held 25-30 June 2018 in Montreal, Canada. The team of European Congress of Psychology (ECP2019), which will be held 2-5 July 2019 in Moscow, Russia, took this chance to promote the event to reach out to broader audience.
Link source:
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 11(2), 2018 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
On May 17 MoU between the Russian Psychological Society and the Pan African Psychology Union, and MoU between the Russian Psychological Society and the Indonesian Psychological Society were signed.
On May 18 the special symposium "Vygotsky's Cultural-Historical Theory in the Context of Modern Preschool Education" took place during the VII International Conference "Early Childhood Care and Education" . The main topics of the discussion were connected to the scientific and cultural heritage of the outstanding professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Lev Vygotsky, whose ideas were profoundly considered and extended in the book recently published by Routledge (Vygotsky’s Theory in Early Childhood Education and Research/ ed. Nikolay Veraksa, Sonja Sheridan).
May 17, 2018 the VII International Conference "Early Childhood Care and Education" (ECCE 2018) Opening ceremony was held at Lomonosov Moscow State University. ECCE is the largest Russian event dedicated to early childhood psychology, nurturing, content and organization of pre-school education.
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 11(1), 2018 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
For the first time Russian Psychological Society attended ARUPS 2018 congress in Kuta, Indonesia.
According to the results of the expanded public examination of journals, conducted among about 40 thousand leading Russian scientists by online survey on the website eLIBRARY.RU, the top 10 psychology journals include:
- Moscow University Herald. Series 14. Psychology (3rd place), the
- Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (4th place), the
- National Psychological Journal (6th place).
The full list can be found here:
The Cuban Society of Psychology announces VIII Intercontinental Cuban Psychology Convention HOMINIS 2018 that will take place in La Habana, Cuba. This Convention will provide you a contemporary vision, according to the demands and requirements of Cuban Psychology, inserted in the dynamics of our social project with its achievements, prospects and future challenges.
Working languages are Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
For further information and registration please visit
Link source:
Theme: VIII Intercontinental Cuban Psychology Convention
On October 5-7th 2017 Kazan Federal University hosted two important events for Russian psychological community at once: the Russian Psychological Forum and the meeting of the Russian Psychological Society.
A collaboration agreement between the Russian Psychological Society and the Kazakh Psychological Society was officially signed at the opening ceremony of the Russian Psychological Forum on October, 5th 2017.
Congratulations to Sathasivian Cooper, the President of the International Union of Psycohlogical Science (IUPsyS), on being elected an honourary member of the Russian Psychological Society.
The UNESCO International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) has released a new issue of IUPsyS Bulletin. It provides information about international activities of the Russian Psychological Society.
Theme: RPS
The organizing committee is headed by Olga Yu. Vasilyeva, the Russian Minister of Science and Education. We also welcome Saths Cooper, the head of the UNESCO International Union of Psychological Science, as an honoured guest of the Forum.
The Russian Psychological Society was represented at the Congress by the Vice-President of the RPS, Doctor of Psychology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Aleksander Veraksa and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University Sergey Leonov. Within the framework of the Congress working meetings were held on the organization of the European Psychological Congress in Moscow in 2019 with the President of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations, Professor Telmo Baptista, President of the Spanish Psychological Association, Professor Francisco Santolaya and Vice President of the Spanish Psychological Association for International Relations, Professor Manuel Berduyas, with the president of the American Psychological Association, Professor Antonio Puente and the Senior Director of the International Office of the American Psychological Association, Professor Amanda Clinton.
Theme: Third National Psychological Congress took place in Spain.
On the 11th of May the Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the Spanish Psychological Association was signed in Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Francisco Santolaya, the president of the Spanish Psychological Association, emphasized the need for sharing experience and joining efforts to increase the public recognition of psychological science. Manuel Berduyas, the director for international collaboration of the Spanish Psychological Association, noted the contribution of the Russian Psychological Society to popularization of psychological knowledge and shared his optimistic expectations of the XVI European Psychological Congress to be held in Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2019.
Theme: Spanish Psychological Association, RPS
On May 11th 2017 grand opening of the VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» (ECCE 2017) was held in Lomonosov Moscow State University.
On the 11th of May a milestone document was signed in Lomonosov Moscow State University – the Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the American Psychological Association.
Antonio Puente, the president of the American Psychological Association, acknowledged the contribution of Russian psychology to the field of humanities and the significance of the Memorandum for psychologists in both countries.
Theme: RPS, American Psychological Association
"Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" №3 - 2017 is the special issue "Contemporary childhood research".
The issue is devoted to the VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» (ECCE 2017) May, 10-13, 2017, Moscow, Russia. The issue will include conference participants’ articles as well as regular submissions.
Manuscript submission deadline is June, 15th 2017
Instructions for Authors:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» (ECCE 2017) will be held during 10-13 May, 2017 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University – MSU (Moscow, Russia).
Annual International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» was inspired by ECCE UNESCO conference held in Moscow in 2010. Now it is one of the largest annual international conferences for exchange of ideas through interdisciplinary dialogues among practitioners, teachers, psychologists, policymakers in the sphere of child development and education.
Russian Psychological Society announces that the December edition of the EFPA News Magazine enlightening the most significant events in the professional psychological society has been issued. See the volume below
Theme: EFPA
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 9(4), 2016 - was released. This special issue is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Lev Vygotsky. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Russian conference “The system of psychological support in education: From risk management to psychological development and wellbeing” was held on November, 22-23. More than 700 specialists from 40 Russian regions participated in the event.
Theme: Russian conference “The system of psychological support in education: From risk management to psychological development and wellbeing”
The year 2017 marks 115 years from the birth of Alexander Luria (1902-1977) and 40 years from his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist Yeltsyn Ural Federal University, Moscow Lomonosov State University in collaboration with the Russian Psychological Association (RPA), American Psychological Association (APA), Tomsk State University, Kemerovo Federal University, International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo, Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsyсhology and Irkutsk Research Center of Family Health and Human Reproduction are pleased to announce.
This years' title is "Psychology Addressing Society's Greatest Challenges". The Abstract Submission deadline is set on 10 december 2016.
The ECP2017 website is open for registrations, early bird fees apply until 15 February 2017.
Link source:
Theme: 15th European Congress of Psychology
October 28, 2016 in Amsterdam (Netherlands) a meeting of the work group on preparation of the European Congress of Psychology in 2017 was held. The representatives of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations, the Dutch Association of Psychologists, the Russian Psychological Society, the Swedish Psychological Association were present. The issues of organization of the scientific and cultural program of the event were discussed.
The year 2017 marks 115 years from the birth of Alexander Luria (1902-1977) and 40 years from his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist Yeltsyn Ural Federal University, Moscow Lomonosov State University in collaboration with the Russian Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, Tomsk State University, Kemerovo Federal University, International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo and Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsyсhology are pleased to announce The Fifth International Luria Memorial Congress.
The congress will be held on 13-16 October 2017 in Yekaterinburg, capital of Ural.
Abstract submission started the 1 November 2016 and continues until May 25 2017. Please send the abstract together with the application form to the Congress Secretary Svetlana Pavlova by e-mail:
Link source:
We are glad to announce that the Russian Psychological Society together with the publishing house Elsevier Ltd. (Scopus database holder) released a special edition of the Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences journal based on the Fifth Annual International Conference "Early Childhood Care and Education", 12-14 May 2016, Moscow, Russia.
Volume posted at
A meeting of Chinese Psychological Society was held on October 14-16 in Sian (China). It united more than 3000 participants: Chinese scientists as well as representatives of UNESCO International Union of Psychological Science and Russian, Indian, Pakistani, Mongolian and American Psychological Societies.
The Meeting outcomes included agreements on joint scientific events and research projects of Chinese and Russian Psychological Societies. It might be a step towards establishment of Euroasian alliance in psychological science.
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 9(3), 2016 - was released. The issue contains special section "Mathematical learning: New perspectives and challenges" as well as articles on educational and developmental psychology. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
In 2017 there comes the speical issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" — "Psychology of sexual and gender identity"
The guest editor is Dr. Sharon Horne, professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston (USA), a well-known researcher of gender identity issues, American Psychological Association's representative in the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues.
Manuscript submission deadline is February, 1st 2017:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
In 2017 there comes the speical issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" — "Contemporary cognitive science".
The guest editor is Boris M. Velichkovsky, leading expert at the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and the European Commission NEST — New and Emerging Science and Technology - program; head of the Neurocognitive Sciences, Social Humanities and Intellectual systems, Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Russia); corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science.
Manuscript submission deadline is March, 1st 2017:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
The Local Organizing Committee included the Vigotskyan League of Portuguese Language and the Institute Quintino Aires, in collaboration with the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Russian University of Humanities, IPAF — Instituto Vigotsky (São Paulo, Brazil) and Andricard (Luanda, Angola). This year the Congress brought together 14 nationalities of experts in psychology, neuropsychology, education, linguistics and physiology. It is to highlight the contribution of two international societies, the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR) and the International Society of Applied Neuropsychology (ISAN), as well as the special contribution of the Rita Leal Autism School.
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 9(2), 2016 - was released. The issue contains articles on medical, social, and personality psychology as well as papers on different aspects of psychology of speech.
You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
It is Google's first bibliometric instrument, developed on the basis of Google Scholar. It covers journals, conference proceedings, or repository collections which have published at least 100 papers in the last five complete years and received citations, and calculates their 5-years H-index and H5-median.
The journal is ranked highest among the journals in Psychology from Russia!
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
We are glad to announce that Psychology in Russia: State of the Art journal will be covered in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science) since 2016. It is very important for us to be a part of the worldwide scientific community and make our articles more accessible for potential readers.
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Over 4000 participants from 80 countries will visit Moscow, Russia to take part in an unprecedented in scale and scope 16th European Congress of Psychology which for the first time in its history European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) will hold in Moscow, Russia.
For over a decade the congress has been the main event in the life of European psychological science. It brings together thousands of participants from all over he world – renowned scientists, researchers, representatives of the world's leading universities, students, graduate students, owners of publishing houses, public figures, and all those involved in the study and popularization of psychology.
Theme: Russia will host 16th European Congress of Psychology
On May 12-14, 2016, the Lomonosov Moscow State University hosted the V Anniversary Scientific Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» - the major event dedicated to preschool psychology and pedagogy in the Eurasian region.
This Conference is held annually and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Russian Academy of Education, Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Russian Psychological Society, World Bank, Federal Institute for Development of Education. The Conference was included in the Major Events Plan of the Eurasian Association of Universities and was timed to the Year of Education in the Commonwealth of Independent States. This year, the People’s Republic of China was the Guest of Honor (Partner Country) of the Conference.
Link source:
Theme: V Anniversary Scientific Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education»
The 4th issue of Psychology in Russia: State of the Art in 2016 is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Lev Vygotsky. His contribution to the fields of developmental, educational and special psychology still have a ripple effect in contemporary research and practice. Lev Vygostsky is a Soviet/Russian scientist but his legacy belongs to the world culture. We will be happy to receive manuscripts with developments of Vygotsky's ideas in different countries and different areas of psychology.
Submission deadline is 2016 September, 15th.
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear friends and colleagues,
The 32nd meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (ISP) will be held in Moscow, Russia, 15th - 20th of August, 2016. You are invited to join us in Moscow, capital of Russia, founded in 1147 and full of famous historical and remarkable places, for Fechner Day 2016.
Please bookmark the conference's website at and visit frequently for updates.
Summary of important dates
Requests for invitations for visa until: February 1, 2016
Proposals for Theme Sessions until: March 14, 2016
Abstract/title submission until: April 5, 2016
Early registration ends: May 1, 2016
Proceedings papers submission until: May 10, 2016
Registration closes: June 1, 2016
Link source:
Theme: Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics
Mental health is one of the most intriguing, complex and persistently relevant issues in the world, which is linked to the most fundamental aspects of human life, and therefore goes beyond the boundaries of purely professional discussion. The I World Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century will convene more than 500 international experts from various spheres of public health, psychiatry & psychotherapy, psychology & narcology, social security & politics, science & education, art & culture, sport & physical fitness, economics & law as well as government, business & community sectors leaders to open a dialog, to build connections, to increase knowledge, to exchange best practices, and to deliver a concerted stance on mental health maintenance.
Link source:
Theme: I World Congress on Mental Health: Meeting the Needs of the XXI Century!
The Fifth Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» (ECCE 2016) will be held during 12-14 May, 2016 at the Shuvalov building of the Lomonosov Moscow State University – MSU (Moscow, Russia).
Note that deadline for abstract submission is February 1, 2016.
Link source:
Theme: International Research-to-Practice Conference
The Vegotskyan League of Portuguese Language and the Quintino Aires Institute, in collaboration with the Russian State University for the Humanities, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, IPAF - Vigotsky Institute (São Paulo, Brazil), along with Andricard (Luanda, Angola), are preparing the 4th Estoril Vigotsky Conference that will be held in Estoril/Portugal, from June 9th to 11th, 2016.
Important dates:
Deadline for Abstract submission: March 1st, 2016.
Earlybird registration: January 31st, 2016.
Language The official language of the congress is English and also Portuguese.
Link source:
Theme: 4th Estoril Vigotsky Conference
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 8(3), 2015 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Psychology in Russia: State of the Art journal is now indexed in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), developed by European researchers under the coordination of the Standing Committee for the Humanities (SCH) of the European Science Foundation (ESF). The journal is linked to the following disciplines: Psychology, Interdisciplinary Research in the Social Sciences, Media Studies and Communication.
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear colleagues.
We are glad to announce that year 2016 begins with special issues for "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art". The core theme for #1-2016 is "Multiculturalism and intercultural relations: comparative analysis".
The guest editor is professor John W. Berry, chief research fellow at the Expert Institute of International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics (
Submission deadline is extended to November, 15th. Please, submit your manuscripts at
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
We are glad to invite our colleagues, engaged in research of mathematical thinking and issues in teaching / learning mathematics, to submit their publications in "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" #2 of 2016. It is planned as a special issue: "Mathematical learning: New perspectives and challenges".
The guest editor is Marina Vasilyeva, Associate Professor, Lynch School of Education, Boston College (
Submission deadline is extended to December, 15th. Please, submit your manuscripts at
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
We are glad to inform you that a new issue of Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (#2 – 2015) is published online. It provides articles on clinical, cognitive and developmental psychology. This issue is dedicated to the 4th interantional conference “Early Childhood Care and Education”. It provides many interesting paper on preschool education and play in Nordic countries as well as articles by Russian authors. Full-text articles may be accessed at:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear colleagues!
Russian Psychological Society proudly informs that at the meeting of the General Assembly of the European Federation of Psychologsts' Associations, held July 11, 2015 in Milan, an application to host the European Congress of Psychology in 2019 in Moscow was presented. The Russian Psychological Society is the only candidate for the Congress welcoming in 2019. The official decision will be announced in November 2015 in the frame of the Presidential Council of the European Federation of Psychologsts' Associations.
Theme: European Congress of Psychology
SCImago: Journal and Country Rank (Scopus) has released the indicators for Psychology in Russia: State of the Art journal in 2014. SJR indicator has increased up to 0.41. There is a serious progress in citation vs. self-citation ratio as well as in international collaboration. It resulted into the move from the second to the third quartile with H-index = 3.
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
July 11, 2015 at the General Assembly of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations the Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the British Psychological Society was signed. In their speeches, the president of the British Psychological Society prof. Hughes has described areas of future cooperation, and first vice-president of the Russian Psychological Society prof. L.A.Tsvetkova outlined the historical relations of the British and Russian psychology.
Theme: International Cooperation
“The Psychology fostering the human well-being”
The Cuban Society of Psychology, historically linked to this event since 1999, with a continuity maintained for a decade, announces a new edition: Hominis-2016. This Convention will provide you with a contemporary vision, in keeping with the demands and requirements of Cuban Psychology, inserted in the dynamics of our social project with its achievements, prospects and challenges.
The proposed topics insist, on treating interdisciplinary issues, the need to find out integrating spaces so as to create the subjectivity and understanding of complexity, as well as the diversity in the human being´s dimensions as part of social and personal development.
These arguments support the purpose of this event so as to foster a setting for reflection, scientific exchange and professional commitment in view of the dilemmas of the present century, in which we act as representatives of a science which has been gaining in maturity and experience, within a moment of constant changes, as well as necessary reorganization and adjustments in order to favor human improvement.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the analysis and debate of the different topics of the meeting, which will be held from May 9th to 13th, 2016, at the Havana International Conference Center, located in CUBANACÁN neighborhood, in the western part of Havana, Cuba.
Dear colleagues, we are utterly convinced that your participation in the Convention will contribute to the success of this new edition of our science and profession. Cuban hospitality and joy will help to spread at a fast rate the enriching debates and exchanges we hope to enjoy during this event.
Alexis Lorenzo Ruiz, Dr., Ph. D.
Link source:
Theme: 7th Intercontinental Convention on Psychology
We are glad to inform you that a new issue of Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (#1 – 2015) is published online. It provides articles on clinical, cognitive and developmental psychology. The most voluminous section is "Social psychology" with articles on different aspects of psychological safety.
Full-text articles may be accessed at:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art – new issue on-line 2015-1
An article devoted to the development of Russian Psychological Society was published in "Psychology Aoteaora" — the journal of the New Zealand Psychological Society.
The article is presented in pdf format, 854 Kb
Recurrent mental health evaluation essential complement to psychological selection of pilots
In a response to the crash of the German Wings flight 9525, the European Federation of Psychologists (EFPA) and the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP) express their condolences to the relatives of the victims, and their support for air passengers and colleagues of the crew.
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 7(3), 2014 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
One fifth of the European population are children. Today, November 20th, marked as International Children’s Rights day, the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) encourages its 36 national member associations to speak up and share psychological knowledge to raise awareness on children’s rights and well-being.
Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don). Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy. Psychology Faculty Rostov Institute of Further Training and Retraining of Educators (Russia, Rostov-on-Don). Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education (Serbia). Charles University (Czech Republic). Preschool Teachers’ Training College in Kikinda (Serbia).
DEAR COLLEAGUES! We invite you to participate in the V International Scientific Conference "INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF EDUCATIONAL SPACE SUBJECTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF EDUCATION MODERNIZATION " (November 2014, Russia, Rostov-on-Don)
Dear colleagues,
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 7(2), 2014 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
CrossCheck is a multi-publisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. Via CrossCheck service our journal uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.
Wherever you see the “CrossCheck Deposited” or “CrossCheck Depositor” logos, you can be reassured that the publisher whose content you are reading is committed to actively combating plagiarism and publishing original research. To find out more about CrossCheck visit
Dear colleagues!
The Russian Psychological Society invites papers to the quarterly journal Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (ISSN print 2074-6857, ISSN online 2307-2202, published in English).
The journal seeks contributions that provide original theoretical and empirical research on the most topical issues in Russian and world psychology.
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Russian Psychological Society
Event organized by the Institute Quintino Aires regularly brings together professionals from various disciplines such as Psychology, Pedagogy, Linguistics, Anthropology, Medicine and Health Sciences, based on the work of Vygotsky, Luria and Leontiev.
Scientific Committee of the Conference was held by Yuri Zinchenko (Russia), Joaquim Quintino Aires (Portugal), Simone Marangoni (Brazil), Josina Sebastião Quitumba (Angola).
Theme: Conference
During May 21-25 2014 the delegation of the Russian Psychological Society visited the Japanese Psychological Association. In Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the Japanese Psychological Association was signed by the president of the Russian Psychological Society, Professor Yuri Zinchenko and president of the Japanese Psychological Association, Professor Takao Sato.
Theme: RPS, Japanese Psychological Association
The 14th European Congress of Psychology that is going to be held in Milan on 7-10 July 2015 under the auspices of EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations).
Link source:
Theme: European Congress of Psychology
The new number of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of Art" (№ 3, Vol. 6) was published in Desember 2013. The on-line version is available at
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Russian Psychological Society together with Elsevier Ltd (provider of Scopus Database) published a special issue of Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, devoted to the V Congress of the Russian Psychological Society 14-18 February (Moscow). The full version can be found at
Theme: A special issue of Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
The new number of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of Art" (№ 2, Vol. 6) was published in Desember 2013. The on-line version is available at
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Dear Colleagues!
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" was released. The journal in pdf format can be found here .
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
The Cuban Society of Psychology announces the VI Intercontinental Psychology Convention that will be held in Havana,December 2 to 6, 2013. As a scientific partner Russian Psychological Society is invited.
Link source:
Theme: VI Intercontinental Psychology Convention
Dear colleagues! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
We wish you many years of fruitful activity for the benefit of the national psychology and education!
Wish that New Year 2013 brings everlasting glow of happiness, merriment and good fortune!
President of the RPS
Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education
Doctor in Psychology
Yury P. Zinchenko
Dear Psychologist
2012 has been a tough year for society globally.
An ailing world economy and rapidly advancing technology are making people redundant. Countless people continue to lose their livelihood & their homes. Life is becoming tougher for ordinary people, while natural disasters & environmental degradation are devastating us. Social brutality, war & terror numb the psyche...
For the video version of this address, please see
Theme: IUPsyS
Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Russian Psychological Society proudly inform that Psychology in Russia: State of the Art is included in Scopus (Elsevier).
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
‘Preventive measures can reduce the incidence of depression and anxiety with 25% or more’. ‘Health damage due to alcohol abuse, smoking and overeating can be lowered by changing people’s behaviors and living environments’. These are conclusions from the expert conference ‘Psychology for Health’, organized by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) in Brussels on September 20-21, 2012.
The conference was attended by 75 psychological experts, representatives of the health sector, the World Health Organization, and policy makers from the European Commission.Theme: European Federation of Psychologists Associations EFPA Expert Conference
How does one find a psychologist? And how does one know that a psychologist is qualified and competent in a certain field of practice? Many European countries have a law protecting the title of psychologist and keep a register of psychologists allowed to use this title and/or practice as a psychologist, and an increasing number of psychologists have their own website where they describe their services and qualifications. EuroPsy provides a solution at European level and enables the public to check the credentials of psychologists.
EuroPsy, the European Certificate in Psychology, has been developed to create greater clarity and uniformity across European countries. It shows that the holder has received a high standard of education and training in psychology and follows the ethical code of psychologists. It also requires psychologists to stay up to date through Continuing Professional Development. EuroPsy is designed to supplement national standards rather than replace them. Since its requirements are the same across Europe, EuroPsy is not only helpful in the home country, but also when psychologists work in another European country.
Theme: EuroPsy
Articles must be presented both in English and Russian, and must be competently written and argued. Submission deadline for Volume 6 is December 25th, 2012.
Submit manuscripts electronically (.doc) to
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Archives of all volumes, information about authors and many others can be found at
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Psychology can make this world a better place. This is one of the conclusions out of five days of meetings, talks, presentations and discussions of about 6.000 participants at the International Congress of Psychology (ICP) 2012 in Cape Town South Africa. “To meet the challenges of the changes we are witnessing across the world, be it due to scientific advances, or financial catastrophes, to political transformation, or climate change and ecological fragility, we have to come together more than ever before.” said Rainer K. Silbereisen, outgoing President of the International Union of Psychological Science IUPsyS. “We have to pool our knowledge and expertise, and we have to learn from one another — we have to recognise the contribution all areas of the world can make, and understand the importance of diversity.”
Link source:
Theme: PsyforHealthCongress2012
The Russian Psychologist’s Oath was published in the section "Documents".
The oath is taken by psychology graduates at the ceremony of graduation upon handing over the diplomas.
Theme: The Russian Psychologist’s Oath
Organised by the European Federation of Psychologists Associations EFPA.
International non-governmental organization enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe
Developing healthy life styles, preventing disease, and (self-) managing chronic disease and adverse life events are closely linked to how people think, feel and act. It should therefore come a no surprise that psychology, as the science of human cognition, emotion and behaviour, has substantial contributions to make when it comes to promoting personal and public health.
We invite experts and policy makers from European institutions, the EU member states, other European countries, the health sector and NGOs to register on-line through this website As participation is limited to 250 delegates representing different disciplines and institutions, we strongly recommend registering early (before July 15, 2012).
Link source:
Theme: Psychology for Health – Contributions to Policy Making
The Code of Ethics of the Russian Psychological Society was published in the section "Documents".
This Code of Ethics was written in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Russian Federal law №152-FZ 27.07.2006 “Treatment of personal information”, the Charter of the Russian Psychological Society, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists, and Meta Code of Ethics of European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations.
Theme: The Code of Ethics of the Russian Psychological Society
Section Psychology in Russia: State of the Art is about year book published by Russian Psychological Society including contact information and editor board. In section National Psychological Journal you can read about publication and edito board of the monthly.
Theme: site RPS
Annual International Exhibition is the largest national security exhibition in Russia. As part of the Exhibition discussions with leading figures of Russian psychological science and practice devoted to problems of extreme situations psychology and work under extreme conditions are traditionally held. Proceedings of the conference will be published in electronic form on the website
Link source:
Theme: Problems associated with the psychological consequences of radiation accidents and other emergencies
The International Congress of Psychology, held every four years under the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science, is the flagship event in international psychology. The 30th International Congress of Psychology is the first to be held in Africa, and is organised by the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the Psychological Society of South Africa, in partnership with key South African universities and the psychological associations of neighbouring countries.
Link source:
Theme: ХХХ International Congress of Psychology – 2012
The English-language section of our site is open to visitors.
Theme: English-language section
Psychologists John O'Keefe (UK) and wife and husband May‐Britt and Edvard Moser (Norway) from the University of Trondheim won this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine for discovering an “inner GPS” in the brain.
O'Keefe's pioneering work in 1971 was confirmed a generation later, in 2005, by the Mosers, making a considerable contribution to behavioural science.
This year´s Nobel Laureates receive the prize for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain. They have discovered a positioning system, an “inner GPS” in the brain that makes it possible to orient ourselves in space, demonstrating a cellular basis for higher cognitive function. They discovered how the brain knows where we are and is able to navigate from one place to another. Their findings may help explain why Alzheimer's disease patients cannot recognize their surroundings.
Learn more about their research:
Link source: :
SCImago (Scopus) have released the scientometric information on “Psychology in Russia: State of the Art” journal. SJR indicator, reflecting the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, is 0,23 and citation rate per article is 0,3. Currently, 20 % of all the articles, published in 2013, are cited in Scopus-indexed sources.
The scientometrics is calculated for 2-years periods, while “Psychology in Russia: State of the Art” was indexed in Scopus just a year ago. So we hope that these ratings represent the first steps to development of the journal’s potential for the future.
There are new pdf articles from the current issue (Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Moscow: Russian Psychological Society, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2013, 1, 153 p.) now!
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
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