
The Russian Psychologist's Oath

While receiving a high rank of a Russian psychologist and starting my professional activity, I do solemnly declare:

  •  to fulfill my professional duties  in compliance with the ethical principles of the Russian psychologists’ work;
  •  to devote my knowledge and skills to preserving and strengthening people’s psychological health and wellbeing;
  •  to be ready to provide psychological help at any time;
  •  to show the highest respect for human life, rights, wellbeing and dignity;
  •  to stay grateful and respectful towards my teachers;
  •  to be exigent and fair towards my students, to assist them in their professional growth;
  •  to treat my colleagues with benevolence;
  •  to search for my colleagues’ assistance and advice if it is required by the interests of the person who asks for my help;
  •  and, in my turn, never to deny assistance and advice to my colleagues;
  •  to improve my professional skills constantly;
  •  to keep and develop the glorious and noble traditions of the Russian psychological science;

May I be pure in my deeds and thoughts.

If I violate this oath, may I be condemned by the psychological society with all the rigor of due laws and customs.

The oath is taken by psychology graduates at the ceremony of graduation upon handing over the diplomas.