Coordinating Council

Coordinating Council

Yury P. Zinchenko
Yury P. Zinchenko

Academic-rank: professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: president of the RPS

Larisa A. Tsvetkova
Larisa A. Tsvetkova

Academic-rank: Professor

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: Chairman of the Ethics Committee

Pavel N. Ermakov
Pavel N. Ermakov

Academic-rank: professor, member of the Russian Academy of Education

Degree: doctor in Biology

Status in the RPS: the first vice-president of the RPS, chairman of the Rostov Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Magomed M. Dalgatov
Magomed M. Dalgatov

Academic-rank: professor

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: member of the Presidium, chairman of the Dagestan Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Tatiana L. Khudyakova
Tatiana L. Khudyakova

Academic-rank: assistant professor

Degree: Ph.D Candidate in Psychology

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Voronezh Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Nina A. Nizovskih
Nina A. Nizovskih

Academic-rank: assistant professor

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Kirov Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Zinaida I. Ryabikina
Zinaida I. Ryabikina

Academic-rank: professor

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Anatoly S. Sharov
Anatoly S. Sharov

Academic-rank: professor, member of Russian Academy of Education

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Omsk Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Elena L. Soldatova
Elena L. Soldatova

Academic-rank: professor

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Chelyabinsk Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Nadezhda M. Melnikova
Nadezhda M. Melnikova

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Yakutsk Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Yury K. Kornilov
Yury K. Kornilov

Academic-rank: professor

Degree: ph.D in Psychology

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Yaroslavl Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council:

Irina N. Simaeva
Irina N. Simaeva

Degree: doctor in Psychology

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Kaliningrad Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Igor A. Konopack
Igor A. Konopack

Academic-rank: assistant professor

Degree: Ph.D in Philosophy

Status in the RPS: chairman of the Irkutsk Regional Department of RPS, member of the Coordinating Council

Garnik V. Akopov
Garnik V. Akopov

Academic-rank: professor

Degree: doctor in Psychology