Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

Instructions for Authors


Articles must be presented both in English and Russian, and must be competently written and argued. Submission deadline is December 25th, 2011.

Submit manuscripts electronically (.doc) to

In addition to manuscript, authors must provide the following personal information:

  1. Full name
  2. Designations
  3. Place of occupation
  4. Contacts (e-mail and telephone number)
  5. Photograph of self for publication (300 dpi, JPEG or TIFF format)

Manuscript Guidelines

  1. Font Times New Roman 14 pt; 1.5 spacing.
  2. Margins are 2 cm on all sides.
  3. Page numeration in lower right corner.
  4. Main text volume – 3000-5000 words.
  5. Short summary – 1600 – 2100 characters with spaces
  6. Keywords – 5-7 words
  7. Information on Author –one line, right-side justified. Order: Author’s Initials followed by Family name, Place of occupation, City, Country (e.g. A.A. Familyname, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow, Russia)
  8. Arrangement of References: In parentheses, Family name immediately followed by 4-digit year of publication. (Familyname, 2010).
  9. The Style of the Reference List:
    1. Luria A.R. (1973). The Working Brain. An Introduction to Neuropsychology. London, Penguin Books (for references in English)
    2. Mikadze Yu.V. (2008). Nejropsyhologia detskogo vozrasta [Developmental neuropsychology]. Moscow: Piter. (for references in Russian)
  10. Illustrations, graphs, schemes: provided in separate respective files.

The review of manuscript is limited to 3 months from the date of submission, reviews are not sent to authors.