

The Publication in the Journal of New Zealand Psychological Society
Published: 26.05.2015 | Directorate RPS

An article devoted to the development of Russian Psychological Society was published in "Psychology Aoteaora" — the journal of the New Zealand Psychological Society.

The article is presented in pdf format, 854 Kb

European (Aviation) Psychologists and the crash of German Wings flight 9525
Published: 02.04.2015 | EFPA & EAAP

Recurrent mental health evaluation essential complement to psychological selection of pilots

In a response to the crash of the German Wings flight 9525, the European Federation of Psychologists  (EFPA)  and the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP) express their condolences to the relatives of the victims, and their support for air passengers and colleagues of the crew.

New issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art"
Published: 01.12.2014 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 7(3), 2014 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:

Link source:

Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

Universal Children's Day
Published: 20.11.2014

One fifth of the European population are children. Today, November 20th, marked as International Children’s Rights day, the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) encourages its 36 national member associations to speak up and share psychological knowledge to raise awareness on children’s rights and well-being.

Published: 21.10.2014 | Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don)

Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don). Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy. Psychology Faculty Rostov Institute of Further Training and Retraining of Educators (Russia, Rostov-on-Don). Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education (Serbia). Charles University (Czech Republic). Preschool Teachers’ Training College in Kikinda (Serbia).

DEAR COLLEAGUES! We invite you to participate in the V International Scientific Conference "INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF EDUCATIONAL SPACE SUBJECTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF EDUCATION MODERNIZATION " (November 2014, Russia, Rostov-on-Don)

New issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art"
Published: 29.09.2014 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

Dear colleagues,

We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 7(2), 2014 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:

“Psychology in Russia: State of the Art” has joined CrossCheck service.
Published: 09.07.2014 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

CrossCheck is a multi-publisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. Via CrossCheck service our journal uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.

Wherever you see the “CrossCheck Deposited” or “CrossCheck Depositor” logos, you can be reassured that the publisher whose content you are reading is committed to actively combating plagiarism and publishing original research. To find out more about CrossCheck visit

The Russian Psychological Society invites papers to the quarterly journal Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
Published: 09.07.2014 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

Dear colleagues!

The Russian Psychological Society invites papers to the quarterly journal Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (ISSN print 2074-6857, ISSN online 2307-2202, published in English).

The journal seeks contributions that provide original theoretical and empirical research on the most topical issues in Russian and world psychology.

Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, Russian Psychological Society

On 16,17 and 18 June at the Estoril Congress Centre, the 3rd Conference Estoril Vigotsky took place.
Published: 01.07.2014 | Directorate RPS

Event organized by the Institute Quintino Aires regularly brings together professionals from various disciplines such as Psychology, Pedagogy, Linguistics, Anthropology, Medicine and Health Sciences, based on the work of Vygotsky, Luria and Leontiev.

Scientific Committee of the Conference was held by Yuri Zinchenko (Russia), Joaquim Quintino Aires (Portugal), Simone Marangoni (Brazil), Josina Sebastião Quitumba (Angola).

Theme: Conference

During May 21-25 2014 the delegation of the Russian Psychological Society visited the Japanese Psychological Association.
Published: 28.05.2014 | Directorate RPS

During May 21-25 2014 the delegation of the Russian Psychological Society visited the Japanese Psychological Association. In Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the Japanese Psychological Association was signed by the president of the Russian Psychological Society, Professor Yuri Zinchenko and president of the Japanese Psychological Association, Professor Takao Sato.

Theme: RPS, Japanese Psychological Association