

The "Cultural-Historical Psychology" Journal is Inviting Authors for "The 100th anniversary of Cultural-Historical Psychology: Broadening Research Horizons" Issue
Published: 27.02.2024 | The "Cultural-Historical Psychology" Journal

In 2024 we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Cultural-Historical Psychology, the key principles of which were developed by L.S. Vygotsky and implemented in the research of his scientific school, which has gained not only international recognition, but also a sphere of dissemination.

Special issue ‘‘Sport Psychology’
Published: 12.02.2024 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

This special issue, "Sport Psychology" delves into the depths of the human mind in sports and exercise, revealing how mental strength can be crucial for achieving top-notch athletic results. This call extends beyond works exploring the psychological aspects of successful athlete performances to those emphasizing the role of sports psychologists in shaping and optimizing athletes' mental framework.

Special issue of Frontiers in Psychology: Education and Development in Early Years From Cultural-Historical Theory
Published: 12.02.2024

A special issue of the journal Frontiers in Psychology “Education and Development in Early Years From Cultural-Historical Theory” has been published.

International Psychological Symposium (Chengdu, China)
Published: 17.10.2023 | RPS

On October 13-15, 2023, the International Psychological Symposium was held at Sichuan Normal University (Chengdu, China) as part of the Congress of the Chinese Psychological Society. 

November 22 is Psychologist’s Day in Russia!
Published: 16.10.2023 | RPS

The Russian Psychological Society reports approval of a professional holiday - the Psychologist’s Day, which will be celebrated on November 22. 

Delegation of the Russian Psychological Society at the Intercontinental Congress of Psychologists HOMINIS 2023
Published: 10.05.2023

The delegation of the Russian Psychological Society attended the opening of the Intercontinental Congress of Psychologists HOMINIS 2023 in Havana 24-28 April.

The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO granted the Forum its auspices
Published: 21.02.2023

In his official letter, Alexander Alimov emphasized the importance of the topics of the Forum in the light of the recommendations of the declaration of the recently held World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education in Tashkent: adaptation of preschool education to modern digital technologies, pedagogical innovations in the use of ICT, digital risks for the psychological development of the child and others.

You can read about the topics of the forum at

"Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" journal is now indexed in the PubMed Central!
Published: 25.01.2023 | Editorial "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art"

The journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" has been working for five years to enter the prestigious international scientific database PubMed Central.

This is the first psychological journal in Russia, which was accepted into the PMC, where at the moment only a few of the Russian scientific peer-reviewed journals are represented.

An interdisciplinary seminar on education, governance and the environment was held by the Fafe Institute of Higher Education (Portugal) and the Federal University of Catalão (Brasil), November 24, 2022
Published: 08.12.2022

On November 24, 2022, an interdisciplinary seminar on education, governance and the environment was held by the Fafe Institute of Higher Education (Portugal) and the Federal University of Catalão (Brasil). The seminar was organized by the UNESCO Chair in Education, Youth and Society.

VII Congress of the Russian Psychological Society and the All-Russian Psychological Forum
Published: 03.10.2022 | RPS

On September 28, 2022, the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU) hosted the opening of the VII Congress of the Russian Psychological Society (RPS) and the All-Russian Psychological Forum, which were attended by over a thousand specialists from 70 regions of the Russian Federation. The official opening ceremony was held in the Assembly Hall of UrFU.