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A collaboration agreement between the Russian Psychological Society and the Kazakh Psychological Society was officially signed at the opening ceremony of the Russian Psychological Forum on October, 5th 2017.
Congratulations to Sathasivian Cooper, the President of the International Union of Psycohlogical Science (IUPsyS), on being elected an honourary member of the Russian Psychological Society.
The UNESCO International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) has released a new issue of IUPsyS Bulletin. It provides information about international activities of the Russian Psychological Society.
Theme: RPS
The organizing committee is headed by Olga Yu. Vasilyeva, the Russian Minister of Science and Education. We also welcome Saths Cooper, the head of the UNESCO International Union of Psychological Science, as an honoured guest of the Forum.
The Russian Psychological Society was represented at the Congress by the Vice-President of the RPS, Doctor of Psychology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Aleksander Veraksa and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University Sergey Leonov. Within the framework of the Congress working meetings were held on the organization of the European Psychological Congress in Moscow in 2019 with the President of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations, Professor Telmo Baptista, President of the Spanish Psychological Association, Professor Francisco Santolaya and Vice President of the Spanish Psychological Association for International Relations, Professor Manuel Berduyas, with the president of the American Psychological Association, Professor Antonio Puente and the Senior Director of the International Office of the American Psychological Association, Professor Amanda Clinton.
Theme: Third National Psychological Congress took place in Spain.
On the 11th of May the Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the Spanish Psychological Association was signed in Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Francisco Santolaya, the president of the Spanish Psychological Association, emphasized the need for sharing experience and joining efforts to increase the public recognition of psychological science. Manuel Berduyas, the director for international collaboration of the Spanish Psychological Association, noted the contribution of the Russian Psychological Society to popularization of psychological knowledge and shared his optimistic expectations of the XVI European Psychological Congress to be held in Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2019.
Theme: Spanish Psychological Association, RPS
On May 11th 2017 grand opening of the VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» (ECCE 2017) was held in Lomonosov Moscow State University.
On the 11th of May a milestone document was signed in Lomonosov Moscow State University – the Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the American Psychological Association.
Antonio Puente, the president of the American Psychological Association, acknowledged the contribution of Russian psychology to the field of humanities and the significance of the Memorandum for psychologists in both countries.
Theme: RPS, American Psychological Association
"Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" №3 - 2017 is the special issue "Contemporary childhood research".
The issue is devoted to the VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» (ECCE 2017) May, 10-13, 2017, Moscow, Russia. The issue will include conference participants’ articles as well as regular submissions.
Manuscript submission deadline is June, 15th 2017
Instructions for Authors:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
VI International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» (ECCE 2017) will be held during 10-13 May, 2017 at the Lomonosov Moscow State University – MSU (Moscow, Russia).
Annual International Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» was inspired by ECCE UNESCO conference held in Moscow in 2010. Now it is one of the largest annual international conferences for exchange of ideas through interdisciplinary dialogues among practitioners, teachers, psychologists, policymakers in the sphere of child development and education.