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"Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" journal is now indexed in the PubMed Central!
Published: 25.01.2023 | Editorial "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art"

The journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" has been working for five years to enter the prestigious international scientific database PubMed Central.

This is the first psychological journal in Russia, which was accepted into the PMC, where at the moment only a few of the Russian scientific peer-reviewed journals are represented.

An interdisciplinary seminar on education, governance and the environment was held by the Fafe Institute of Higher Education (Portugal) and the Federal University of Catalão (Brasil), November 24, 2022
Published: 08.12.2022

On November 24, 2022, an interdisciplinary seminar on education, governance and the environment was held by the Fafe Institute of Higher Education (Portugal) and the Federal University of Catalão (Brasil). The seminar was organized by the UNESCO Chair in Education, Youth and Society.

VII Congress of the Russian Psychological Society and the All-Russian Psychological Forum
Published: 03.10.2022 | RPS

On September 28, 2022, the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU) hosted the opening of the VII Congress of the Russian Psychological Society (RPS) and the All-Russian Psychological Forum, which were attended by over a thousand specialists from 70 regions of the Russian Federation. The official opening ceremony was held in the Assembly Hall of UrFU.

Special issue of the International Journal of Early Years Education
Published: 19.09.2022

A special issue of the International Journal of Early Years Education dedicated to the memory of prominent child psychologists Elena Kravtsova and Elena Smirnova has been published. This issue considers modern approaches to the problem of play in the context of a cultural-historical theory.

Co-editors of the issue are professor of the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, leading researcher of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Nikolay Veraksa and Professor of the Free University Amsterdam  Bert van Oers.

The issue can be found here:

Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century: Discourse in early childhood education
Published: 09.09.2022

The Springer has published the book Piaget and Vygotsky in the 21st century: Discourse in early childhood education, edited by Professor of the University of Gothenburg Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson and Professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, leading researcher at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Nikolay Veraksa. 

International Psychological Forum Child in a Digital World will be held online on 1-2 June 2022
Published: 23.02.2022

We are happy to announce that the International Psychological Forum Child in a Digital World will be held online on 1-2 June 2022!

Participation is free of charge. All the sessions will be simultaneously translated into Russian, English and Spanish, and the presentations can be delivered in any of these three languages. All the presenters and attendees are required to register at before April 1 2022.

Round Table "Gerontology: a social perspective on aging and longevity"
Published: 30.09.2021

On September 30, 2021, an international round table "Gerontology: a social perspective on aging and longevity" was held, organized by the Specialized University of America UDELAS in Panama.

A regular meeting of the Latin American psychological seminar. ‘Virtual reality and cyberpsychology’
Published: 09.09.2021

On September 9, 2021, a meeting was held on problems of cyberpsychology and virtual reality. The event was organized by the Specialized University of America UDELAS in Panama, the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as the Russian Psychological Society and the Panamanian Association of Psychologists.

The event was opened by Francisco Javier Cedeño, Director of Strategic Communications at UDELAS, and Ricardo González Escartín, Dean of the Faculty of Social Education and Human Development at UDELAS.

A regular meeting of the Latin American psychological seminar. ‘Child psychology: up-to-date approach’
Published: 22.06.2021 | RPS

On June 22, 2021, a meeting was held on problems of the psychology of modern childhood in the framework of cultural-historical psychology. The event was organized by the Specialized University of America UDELAS in Panama, the Agrarian University of Havana "Fructuoso Rodríguez Pérez" in Cuba, the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, as well as the Russian Psychological Society and the Panamanian Association of Psychologists.

We are pleased to announce the end of the work of the I International Psychological Forum "Child in the Digital World"!
Published: 09.06.2021 | Organizing Committee of the International Psychological Forum "Child in the Digital World" 2021

24 hours of the Forum sessions in three languages were devoted to the issues of sustainable development of children and adolescents in the context of the transformation of childhood against the background of digitalization of modern society.

More than 12 thousand specialists from 90 countries united online at the Forum.

Theme: Forum "Child in the Digital World"