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July 11, 2015 at the General Assembly of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations the Memorandum of Understanding between the Russian Psychological Society and the British Psychological Society was signed. In their speeches, the president of the British Psychological Society prof. Hughes has described areas of future cooperation, and first vice-president of the Russian Psychological Society prof. L.A.Tsvetkova outlined the historical relations of the British and Russian psychology.
Theme: International Cooperation
“The Psychology fostering the human well-being”
The Cuban Society of Psychology, historically linked to this event since 1999, with a continuity maintained for a decade, announces a new edition: Hominis-2016. This Convention will provide you with a contemporary vision, in keeping with the demands and requirements of Cuban Psychology, inserted in the dynamics of our social project with its achievements, prospects and challenges.
The proposed topics insist, on treating interdisciplinary issues, the need to find out integrating spaces so as to create the subjectivity and understanding of complexity, as well as the diversity in the human being´s dimensions as part of social and personal development.
These arguments support the purpose of this event so as to foster a setting for reflection, scientific exchange and professional commitment in view of the dilemmas of the present century, in which we act as representatives of a science which has been gaining in maturity and experience, within a moment of constant changes, as well as necessary reorganization and adjustments in order to favor human improvement.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the analysis and debate of the different topics of the meeting, which will be held from May 9th to 13th, 2016, at the Havana International Conference Center, located in CUBANACÁN neighborhood, in the western part of Havana, Cuba.
Dear colleagues, we are utterly convinced that your participation in the Convention will contribute to the success of this new edition of our science and profession. Cuban hospitality and joy will help to spread at a fast rate the enriching debates and exchanges we hope to enjoy during this event.
Alexis Lorenzo Ruiz, Dr., Ph. D.
Link source:
Theme: 7th Intercontinental Convention on Psychology
We are glad to inform you that a new issue of Psychology in Russia: State of the Art (#1 – 2015) is published online. It provides articles on clinical, cognitive and developmental psychology. The most voluminous section is "Social psychology" with articles on different aspects of psychological safety.
Full-text articles may be accessed at:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art – new issue on-line 2015-1
An article devoted to the development of Russian Psychological Society was published in "Psychology Aoteaora" — the journal of the New Zealand Psychological Society.
The article is presented in pdf format, 854 Kb
Recurrent mental health evaluation essential complement to psychological selection of pilots
In a response to the crash of the German Wings flight 9525, the European Federation of Psychologists (EFPA) and the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP) express their condolences to the relatives of the victims, and their support for air passengers and colleagues of the crew.
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 7(3), 2014 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
Link source:
Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art
One fifth of the European population are children. Today, November 20th, marked as International Children’s Rights day, the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) encourages its 36 national member associations to speak up and share psychological knowledge to raise awareness on children’s rights and well-being.
Southern Federal University (Russia, Rostov-on-Don). Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy. Psychology Faculty Rostov Institute of Further Training and Retraining of Educators (Russia, Rostov-on-Don). Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education (Serbia). Charles University (Czech Republic). Preschool Teachers’ Training College in Kikinda (Serbia).
DEAR COLLEAGUES! We invite you to participate in the V International Scientific Conference "INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF EDUCATIONAL SPACE SUBJECTS IN THE CONDITIONS OF EDUCATION MODERNIZATION " (November 2014, Russia, Rostov-on-Don)
Dear colleagues,
We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 7(2), 2014 - was released. You can access the full-text articles here:
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