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Call for papers
Published: 13.09.2016 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

In 2017 there comes the speical issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" — "Psychology of sexual and gender identity"

The guest editor is Dr. Sharon Horne, professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston (USA), a well-known researcher of gender identity issues, American Psychological Association's representative in the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues.

Manuscript submission deadline is February, 1st 2017:

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Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

Call for papers
Published: 13.09.2016 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

In 2017 there comes the speical issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" — "Contemporary cognitive science".

The guest editor is Boris M. Velichkovsky, leading expert at the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and the European Commission NEST — New and Emerging Science and Technology - program; head of the Neurocognitive Sciences, Social Humanities and Intellectual systems, Kurchatov Institute (Moscow, Russia); corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science.

Manuscript submission deadline is March, 1st 2017:

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Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

EVC16 - IVth International Congress of Psychology. Estoril Vigotsky Conference
Published: 24.08.2016
p> The EVC16 – 4th ESTORIL VIGOTSKY CONFERENCE, International Congress of Psychology – biannual international scientific event held in Estoril, Portugal – was held from June 9th to 11th

The Local Organizing Committee included the Vigotskyan League of Portuguese Language and the Institute Quintino Aires, in collaboration with the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Russian University of Humanities, IPAF — Instituto Vigotsky (São Paulo, Brazil) and Andricard (Luanda, Angola). This year the Congress brought together 14 nationalities of experts in psychology, neuropsychology, education, linguistics and physiology. It is to highlight the contribution of two international societies, the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR) and the International Society of Applied Neuropsychology (ISAN), as well as the special contribution of the Rita Leal Autism School. 

New issue of "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art", 9(2), 2016
Published: 27.07.2016 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

We are glad to inform you that the new issue of the journal "Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" - 9(2), 2016 - was released. The issue contains articles on medical, social, and personality psychology as well as papers on different aspects of  psychology of speech. 

You can access the full-text articles here:

Link source:

Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

"Psychology in Russia: State of the Art" journal is now indxed in Journal Scholar Metrics: Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Published: 01.07.2016 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

It is Google's first bibliometric instrument, developed on the basis of Google Scholar. It covers journals, conference proceedings, or repository collections which have published at least 100 papers in the last five complete years and received citations, and calculates their 5-years H-index and H5-median.

The journal is ranked highest among the journals in Psychology from Russia!

The Psychology in Russia: State of the Art journal will be covered in the Emerging Sources Citation Index
Published: 24.06.2016 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

We are glad to announce that Psychology in Russia: State of the Art journal will be covered in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science) since 2016. It is very important for us to be a part of the worldwide scientific community and make our articles more accessible for potential readers.

Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

Russia will host 16th European Congress of Psychology
Published: 27.05.2016 | RPS

Over 4000 participants from 80 countries will visit Moscow, Russia to take part in an unprecedented in scale and scope 16th European Congress of Psychology which for the first time in its history European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) will hold in Moscow, Russia. 

For over a decade the congress has been the main event in the life of European psychological science. It brings together thousands of participants from all over he world – renowned scientists, researchers, representatives of the world's leading universities, students, graduate students, owners of publishing houses, public figures, and all those involved in the study and popularization of psychology.

Theme: Russia will host 16th European Congress of Psychology

V Anniversary Scientific Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education»
Published: 25.05.2016 | Directorate RPS

On May 12-14, 2016, the Lomonosov Moscow State University hosted the V Anniversary Scientific Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education» - the major event dedicated to preschool psychology and pedagogy in the Eurasian region.

This Conference is held annually and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Russian Academy of Education, Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, Russian Psychological Society, World Bank, Federal Institute for Development of Education. The Conference was included in the Major Events Plan of the Eurasian Association of Universities and was timed to the Year of Education in the Commonwealth of Independent States. This year, the People’s Republic of China was the Guest of Honor (Partner Country) of the Conference. 

Link source:

Theme: V Anniversary Scientific Conference «Early Childhood Care and Education»

Call for papers: 120th anniversary of Lev Vygotsky
Published: 06.05.2016 | Editorial Board Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

The 4th issue of Psychology in Russia: State of the Art in 2016 is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Lev Vygotsky. His contribution to the fields of developmental, educational and special psychology still have a ripple effect in contemporary research and practice. Lev Vygostsky is a Soviet/Russian scientist but his legacy belongs to the world culture. We will be happy to receive manuscripts with developments of Vygotsky's ideas in different countries and different areas of psychology. 

Submission deadline is 2016 September, 15th.

Link source:

Theme: Psychology in Russia: State of the Art

Fechner Day 2016 – the 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics
Published: 01.03.2016 | Organizing Committee 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics

Dear friends and colleagues,

The 32nd meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics (ISP) will be held in Moscow, Russia, 15th - 20th of August, 2016. You are invited to join us in Moscow, capital of Russia, founded in 1147 and full of famous historical and remarkable places, for Fechner Day 2016.

Please bookmark the conference's website at and visit frequently for updates.

Summary of important dates

Requests for invitations for visa until: February 1, 2016

Proposals for Theme Sessions until: March 14, 2016

Abstract/title submission until: April 5, 2016

Early registration ends: May 1, 2016

Proceedings papers submission until: May 10, 2016

Registration closes: June 1, 2016


Link source:

Theme: Annual Meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics