Latin American Psychological Seminar

Latin American Psychological Seminar

The Latin American Psychological Seminar was created in 2021 as part of the program for the development of bilateral relations between the psychological societies of Panama and Russia with the aim of promoting the ideas of cultural-historical psychology in Latin America and exchanging best practices in various areas of psychological science on a regular basis.

The seminar was initiated by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Director of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, President of the Russian Psychological Society, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education Yury Zinchenko. The organizers of this initiative were the Deputy Director of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Vice-President of the Russian Psychological Society Alexander Veraksa, Junior Researcher at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education and the Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy at the Faculty of Psychology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University Apollinaria Chursina from the Russian side, as well as from the Panama, Vice President of the Panamaniam Psychological Association, Director of the Department of Psychology at the Specialized University of America UDELAS Aelén López, Dean of the Faculty of Social Education and Human Development of UDELAS Ricardo González Escartín, Director of Internationalization and Technical Cooperation of UDELAS Luis Enrique Torres, UDELAS Director of Strategic Communications Francisco Javier Cedeño, UDELAS Academic Events Coordinator Elizabeth Pérez.

More than 1000 colleagues - psychologists from the Latin American region gather at regular sessions of the seminar. The events consider the theoretical and applied aspects of the methodology of psychology, childhood psychology, cyberpsychology, neuropsychology and other topical issues of psychological science and practice.

Round Table "Gerontology: a social perspective on aging and longevity"
Data: 30.09.2021
Speakers: Maria del Pilar Leis, Iveth Hidalgo Barrios, Apollinaria Chursina
A regular meeting of the Latin American psychological seminar. ‘Virtual reality and cyberpsychology’
Data: 09.09.2021
Speakers: Patricia Castro, and Lesbia Isabel González, Artiom Kovaliov
A regular meeting of the Latin American psychological seminar. ‘Child psychology: up-to-date approach’
Data: 22.06.2021
Speakers: Brigitte Niebla Suzarte, Myrna Vázquez de Guevara, Alexander Veraksa
The first meeting of the Latin American psychological seminar. ‘Cultural-historical psychology’
Data: 07.04.2021
Speakers: Bélgica Bernal Vega, Jazmina Itzel Vega, Yury Zinchenko